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Music is valid only if it makes holes in the brain ...



Born in Tangier, (Morocco), Tingis moved to Italy in the 1970s, beginning his long career in the 1980s. Shocked by the sound of Throbbing Gristle forms the group Never Insecta, in which the industrial sound and the krautrock were mixed. Years later, already alone, he continues as Yellow Yawn and in duet with Quideau. Throughout these years he has been combining his solo career with projects such as Mindnet Lab Technicians, in addition to collaborating with several local musicians. Psychedelic noise is one of the definitions that comes closest in terms of the description of his music. Lately he is working with virtual modules, creating a non-abstract sound, always post-industrial. In addition to music, he deals with painting, videos, graphic elaborations and writing and is the administrator of the LaPellemuta blog. He has published two volumes of a kind of catalog biography of his musical career in 2019, titled To Hear Is Like Making Holes.


HAMFUGGI Records es fruto de la necesidad de fusión de dos netlabels (HAM Records, Barcelona-Sotterfugi (editori), Buenos Aires, ambos en la plataforma de Bandcamp) situados en las antípodas geográficas pero hermanados en sensibilidad creacional, en pos de la difusión de sus esfuerzos bajo el paraguas legal de Mushotoku Global Entrepreneurs con sede en Tokio.
HAMFUGGI Records is the result of the need to merge two netlabels (HAM Records, Barcelona-Sotterfugi (editori), Buenos Aires, both on the platform of Bandcamp) located at the geographical antipodes but twinned in creational sensitivity, in order to spread their efforts under the legal umbrella of Mushotoku Global Entrepreneurs based in Tokyo.


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