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Jordi Heras



Jordi Heras Fauque, born July 13, 1978 began to be interested in sound when he was 7 years old, creating and recording fictional radio programs. When he was 13, he went to a Megamortis rehearsal, his uncle's band , Eduardo Fauque, graduated in Rockanrrology. That day, Jordi won the position of titular drummer in the band due to his rhythmic qualities. From there he was in several acts, from classic rock to garage, going through punk, psychedelia or even black metal.


In 2004 he started creating solo music. His first foray into experimentation and sound improvisation led him to collaborate on the now extinct HOR project, along with members of the punk-gothic-experimental band Eyaculación Post Mortem -in which he also would play keyboards as a live supporter in several gigs-.


Later in 2007 he founded the experimental combo QA'A with other musicians who are currently responsible for the prestigious label and space of alternative concerts Magia Roja in Barcelona. In 2015, he founded the dada, experimental, noise and field recordings label called HAM RECORDS.


HAMFUGGI Records es fruto de la necesidad de fusión de dos netlabels (HAM Records, Barcelona-Sotterfugi (editori), Buenos Aires, ambos en la plataforma de Bandcamp) situados en las antípodas geográficas pero hermanados en sensibilidad creacional, en pos de la difusión de sus esfuerzos bajo el paraguas legal de Mushotoku Global Entrepreneurs con sede en Tokio.
HAMFUGGI Records is the result of the need to merge two netlabels (HAM Records, Barcelona-Sotterfugi (editori), Buenos Aires, both on the platform of Bandcamp) located at the geographical antipodes but twinned in creational sensitivity, in order to spread their efforts under the legal umbrella of Mushotoku Global Entrepreneurs based in Tokyo.


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