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Syabil Shamsudin (-5ºC)


Syabil Shamsudin, better known as Sayu, is from Malaysia. He introduced himself to ambient music towards the end of 2017 with his first project, Sugul, renamed Hayati. Hayati is an experimental ambient venture in which he relates his emotions and vital experiences, integrated into each of his works to be transmitted through his musical creation.

His interest in this music grows when he meets in 2014 another Malay artist, Jiwa, from the dark ambient Delusi project that inspires him deeply to this day and transmits him again the passion to create after trying and getting discouraged several times. This results in the birth of his own ambient project, which fills a gap in the scene of this style in Malaysia. His experiments continue with this new and hidden attempt, -5 ° C, in which he develops a space ambient / drone / dark ambient treatment as V, a universe inspired by the Saturn Form Essence project in Ukraine.

The use of familiar software such as FL Studio and Caustic 3 remains his faithful ally as he continues to experiment to survive in this ambient scene. "It takes imagination to fill the void in the reality of art, always be happy with your art." Ambient is art. All hail Ambient


HAMFUGGI Records es fruto de la necesidad de fusión de dos netlabels (HAM Records, Barcelona-Sotterfugi (editori), Buenos Aires, ambos en la plataforma de Bandcamp) situados en las antípodas geográficas pero hermanados en sensibilidad creacional, en pos de la difusión de sus esfuerzos bajo el paraguas legal de Mushotoku Global Entrepreneurs con sede en Tokio.
HAMFUGGI Records is the result of the need to merge two netlabels (HAM Records, Barcelona-Sotterfugi (editori), Buenos Aires, both on the platform of Bandcamp) located at the geographical antipodes but twinned in creational sensitivity, in order to spread their efforts under the legal umbrella of Mushotoku Global Entrepreneurs based in Tokyo.


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