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Andrews Wax

Wax Center.jpg

Musician. Dadaist artist. ShowMan

Wire Artist, Musician and Non-Musician at the same time.

Mystic and Pataphysic Apprentice.


Nineteenth and Argonaut of the Future, (without middle terms)


Communication and Telecommunications Studies.


Since 1983 Founding member in various formations:


Mar Otra Vez


Rumore Orchestra

Into the Macchina

Stazione spaziale sperimentale


Concerts / Performances Live:


Amsterdam, Arhem, Roterdam. (Holland). Berlin, Madrid, Cáceres Bilbao Alicante Barcelona. Tijuana and CDMX, (Mexico).


Video-Art and Virtual Reality .:


Subsidized by the Ministries of Culture and Fine Arts. 1996 Interactive Virtual Reality Project, ISEA´96 Festival (Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts). Helsinky


Exhibitions in Arco´96 Madrid. Reina Sofia Museum. Madrid.


Projections in several countries.


"I do not understand these humans" is one of the phrases issued by those humans who can understand it.


to survive, on Earth it manufactures boxes of Schrodinger. Individual and custom made. "In them you can live and not."


inveterate reader of Quantum Physics, which synthesizes wisely: "I don't understand a damn, but I love it."


Currently and for long periods, lives in the


Stazione spaziale sperimentale


“From there it is contemplated without stridency”, with only human contacts made through the Virtual screen.


Sometimes he does not distinguish whether the conversations he holds are real or a product of the AI. Artificial Intelligency, which is supposed to motorize it, although sometimes it doubts that it actually has an iota of Intelligence (its human contacts that, on the contrary empire, do not understand it either, are not conclusive in this regard).  


He usually collaborates with other dead and Undead artists, even if they don't know it.


 Surgery by wax.


It is a term, (of his own), suggestive and irreverent, (literally: wax surgery), which indicates the intervention in the work of other artists, as found objects.

Ready Made Dissect these Exquisite Corpses with a scalpel in an attempt to rebuild a new Monster.



although extremely ironic, he confesses that it is only an electrical defense mechanism against this hostile and deteriorated world.


HAMFUGGI Records es fruto de la necesidad de fusión de dos netlabels (HAM Records, Barcelona-Sotterfugi (editori), Buenos Aires, ambos en la plataforma de Bandcamp) situados en las antípodas geográficas pero hermanados en sensibilidad creacional, en pos de la difusión de sus esfuerzos bajo el paraguas legal de Mushotoku Global Entrepreneurs con sede en Tokio.
HAMFUGGI Records is the result of the need to merge two netlabels (HAM Records, Barcelona-Sotterfugi (editori), Buenos Aires, both on the platform of Bandcamp) located at the geographical antipodes but twinned in creational sensitivity, in order to spread their efforts under the legal umbrella of Mushotoku Global Entrepreneurs based in Tokyo.


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