Ramon Marcet Castro

Born in Barcelona in the year of the lord of 1975, son of Maria and Jose, of immaculate conception. It grows in a middle class family, in a middle class neighborhood, with middle class aspirations. Learn a lot of English, because it is very useful. Good in math, but a little vague. Very nice.
At an early age he already showed very little interest in music, girls and money. Later he understood his mistake and participated in an indie group "Bad moon" and opened a music bar (is it said so?) "Plan 9, musical bar from outer space". The first customer of the bar, and this is a real event, like the pedal of an umbrella, was a chin-boy Jordi Heras Fauque (lostdriver, Ham records, Hamfuggi). Both started the seminal art-punk band “the cacahuettes” with Víctor Sarabia.
He became serious, it is known he met a woman, co-founded QA’A, along with Jordi Heras and Victor L. Crux (Màgia Roja, Futuro de Hierro, Ordre etern i Dame Area) and later added to the Màgia Roja project. He married Primitiva Querol and later procreated. He is currently immersed in the Màgia Roja project (label, venue, booker), in FAR, a landscape indie band of pro, in an incipient mutant BLANK experimental project with Miquel Casaponsa and travels the cosmos in search of biomechanical experiences together with Jordi Heras in NEW MACHINES ON IX (hamfuggi)