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Antoni Robert

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Antoni Robert i Gadea (Barcelona, 1954).

My life changed when I was 9 the day my father had the idea of giving me away as a present The Beatles' just released EP that featured Twist and Shout. It blew my mind. When I was 18 I did progressive rock in the band Black Machine,  without a trace (admired bands such as Black Sabbath and Soft Machine were reponsible for the band's name, but we wanted to become King Crimson).

The career (I am a doctor in astrophysics, like Brian May) and my job (I fixed things same as Pulp Fiction's Mr Wolfe) took me apart from active music, althought I never stopped listening, and I ran a record label from 1990 until 2000 more or less, Edicions Nova Era- Música Secreta, with more than 35 published editions (Roedelius, Cluster, Moebius, Evan Parker, Agustí Fernández, Steve Lacy, Embryo …).

In 2015 I resumed the activity and in addition to individual projects I participate in groups such as OME Acústic, Zero de Conducta, D.O.S. and NUUMU Code. I have an interest in experimentation and improvisation. Brian Eno and AMM are two key figures. In different places I have more than 35 published works, and I will not stop. In February 2020 my first book of poems will be published.


HAMFUGGI Records es fruto de la necesidad de fusión de dos netlabels (HAM Records, Barcelona-Sotterfugi (editori), Buenos Aires, ambos en la plataforma de Bandcamp) situados en las antípodas geográficas pero hermanados en sensibilidad creacional, en pos de la difusión de sus esfuerzos bajo el paraguas legal de Mushotoku Global Entrepreneurs con sede en Tokio.
HAMFUGGI Records is the result of the need to merge two netlabels (HAM Records, Barcelona-Sotterfugi (editori), Buenos Aires, both on the platform of Bandcamp) located at the geographical antipodes but twinned in creational sensitivity, in order to spread their efforts under the legal umbrella of Mushotoku Global Entrepreneurs based in Tokyo.


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