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Rückkôprax began his career in 2007 with the help of David G. Costa, Ruckkoprax's enigmatic alter ego. It is dedicated to superimposing audio and video feedback simultaneously.


Feedback as modus vivendi:

In our daily life we ​​experience a constant interaction with everything that surrounds us, be they living beings, objects or phenomena of all kinds. Our ability to perceive and assimilate stimuli triggers a series of chemical processes in gray matter that will give rise to a specific sensory reaction to these perceptions.

From there will come from within us an individual and sui generis representation of the stimulus, common to every receiving being.

It is within us that a symbology acts, a concrete or abstract association that will affect our present state in continuous updating, for better or for worse: joy, sadness, melancholy, greed, desire, disenchantment, laughter, violence ... everything to from a multineuronal low-voltage electrical process that in its pure state resists any rational classification, form or treatment.

Our social or individual habits as well as our reactions to stimuli represent an abstract parallel language to which we subject a process of symbolic, auditory and visual imprisonment, which allows us to respond with similar stimuli. Babel is  the prison. Understanding the stimulus is the goal.


Feedback is the means.


Feedback is my proposal. You are the creators, I only offer the raw material; spring water that flows directly from the Nascent of the Universe. Nothing is everything. Everything is nothing but a concretion that is in there in your mind. A black hole in space implies the existence of something imperceptible to us. My instruments to achieve feedback go beyond its material form, purpose or power; they are only a means of representing the Medium, a particular vision, like each individual living being.


Think what you want ...

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