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High Pitched Tremolo Disaster


High Pitched Tremolo Disaster es otro proyecto paralelo a cargo del productor de música experimental Siem Jung (Recording Trauma).
Inspirado por la inutilidad existencial de la vida cotidiana y todos los pensamientos no deseados que la acompañan, HPTD crea música electrónica minimalista con un toque asombroso. Sueños febriles audibles que se arrastran desde la suciedad que tan vergonzosamente tratamos de borrar en el borde de la acera.

High Pitched Tremolo Disaster is another side project by experimental music producer Siem Jung (Recording Trauma).
Inspired by the existential uselessness of everyday life and all the unwanted thoughts that come with it, HPTD creates minimalistic electronic music with an uncanny edge. Audible feverdreams that crawled up from the filth we so shamefully tried to rub off at the curb of the sidewalk.

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